Sports Crew and Leadership


Welcome to the new St James' Sports Crew. They have already led Kurling competitions for Ash and Willow Class and are planning on by leading and organising sports activities in all of the classes in school.

The new Sports Crew are: Poppy Waring, David Barrow, Oscar Haworth, Jack Clegg, Ella Taylor, Courtney Greenwood and Levi Dewhurst.

Wellbeing Warriors

Welcome to Evie Wyness and Lucy Whittaker who are St James’ Wellbeing Warriors. They will be involved in arranging events to help improve the health and wellbeing of our children. They have already organised a Santa Dash and are planning on promoting Girl’s football across the school.

They have a programme of events planned for the year.

⚽️As part of International Women’s Day our Well Being Warriors & Sports Leaders organised girls football sessions, which they all really enjoyed⚽️ This was part of the FAs girl’s football festival to support the #LETGIRLSPLAY Campaign⚽️

Keeping Our Break Times Active!

The Sport Crew met recently to discuss keeping our break times active. The children decided what equipment would keep each other active and here is what they bought.

 Sports Council Meeting

We met today to discuss what extra-curricular clubs could be on offer for next year. The children discussed the clubs that were on offer this year, what they liked, what they'd like to see again and what they'd like to see in the future. In addition to this, we discussed what we could do to encourage ALL children to be involved in extra-curricular activities.

The children have now to go back to their classes to survey the class to get an idea of what would engage the children of our school to participate in after school clubs.

 Working together to help improve our school provision.

December 2023

🥌Our sports leaders led an intra school Kurling Competition today with Ash Class! The winners are pictured bellow 🥌

February 2023

Once again, our Year 2 children have taken part in an Orienteering competition this half term, led by our super Y6 young leaders. They competed against each other in search of Wind in the Willows characters, using a map of the Infant yard and area.

The young leaders explained to each class what they had to do once they had found the egg and all the children managed to record the letter on the control card. Some of the children also rearranged the letters to spell a word earning extra points.

Thank you to our wonderful Year 6 children for leading this event and to our Year 2 children who participated in the event so enthusiastically.

Playground Leaders

Well done to the Y6 leaders who have worked hard all year making lunchtimes more fun in the Infants.